Airport planning is a systematic process that must efficiently guide future airport development in a way that is consistent with local, state, and national goals. Capital improvement programs in airports require planning in order to ensure that the scope and forecast costs are clearly defined, so that they may be approved within the organization. A key objective of airport planning is to ensure the effective use of airport resources. All airports aim to satisfy aviation demand in a financially feasible manner. Birdi Systems, Inc. has developed the Capital Project Planner (CPP) to aid capital project planning processes at airports.
The CPP tool is designed to be adaptive and comprehensive, it has the following features:
- Access role-based security
- Single sign-on
- Manage project positions, titles, and rates for a position
- View, edit, and add to your portfolio of projects
- Assign project managers and sponsors
- Drives the role-based security for each project
- Simple navigation through project trends, including capability to filter by project and project manager
- Reporting capability, which allows users to generate the following reports: Project Detail Report, Budget Sum Report, Project Change Detail Worksheet, and Project Report
The Budget Trend sheet allows management of all trend-related information from a single interface, consisting of three main sections:
- Trend Details: This involves updates to information such as description, justification, impact, status, and approval date.
- Planning Phases: This includes adding new entries to different phases. The entries involve Budget Category, Budget Sub-Category, Pre-Trend Amount, Current Changes, and Trend Amount. These categories can be managed through the administrative screen.
- Quad Worksheets: These worksheets help estimate and manage different costs involved with the project (e.g. Lump sum amount, Full Time Employee [FTE] costs, Unit Cost Basis, and Percentage Basis). These sheets are easy to input and they perform the necessary computations automatically based on inputs.
Please submit your information for a download of the BSI Capital Project Planner product sheet: